Finding the Reasons

Alcoholism is a well-documented pathological reaction to unresolved grief. – David Cook

About three years ago I discovered how my father’s abuse of alcohol during my childhood deeply affected every aspect of my adult life.  I first learned about the Adult Child of an Alcoholic syndrome while writing a book about my father’s life.  It was during this process that I realized that I had never addressed his alcoholism and my mistaken assumption that his problem was not my problem.

Through my writing and research I learned that some of the personality traits of adult children of alcoholics are that they are afraid of losing control, they avoid conflict, have a fear of people in authority, people who are angry, and they do not take personal criticism very well.  They also have a high burden of responsibility and constantly seek approval.

Learning why I am the way I am has help make changes in my life.  And writing the book has help me understand that my father that the unresolved grief my father suffered as a child resulted in him becoming an alcoholic.


Elizabeth Hawkins, author of “The World outside Our Door”